18 11 2023 | conferences
On November 17, the Institute of Philosophy, Sociology and Law of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia held a conference dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia and the WORLD PHILOSOPHY DAY proclaimed by UNESCO.
During the conference, the researchers of the Institute, as well as representatives of other scientific and university organizations of the Republic of Armenia, presented reports that related to the historical, methodological and applied problems of philosophy, political science, sociology and law. Academician-secretary of the Armenian National Academy of Sciences and Social Sciences Department, academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia Yuri Suvaryan was also present at the conference. The researches of the participants were published in the collection “PHILOSOPHY IN THE MODERN WORLD, BOOK XIII”, as well as in “The POLITNOMOS. Journal of Political and Legal Studies” in the first issue of the scientific journal. Reports presented during the conference:
Davit Hakobyan – 2022 Three philosophical foundations of constitutional reforms: theory of justice (John Rawls), environmental ethics (Hans Jonas) and procedural democracy (Jürgen Habermas)
Artashes Khalatyan — Concept of the rights and security of the people of Nagorno-Karabakh in the light of the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice on Kosovo
Arman Grigoryan — Features of the start of the statute of limitations flow in obligatory relations: international standards and Armenian legislation
Garnik Safaryan — Legal values. content features
Lusine Soghomonyan — Problems of globalization in the modern world
Narine Aghayan — Cyber security as the most important component of national security
Hayk Nazaryan — military-technical cooperation between the Republic of Armenia and the Republic of India
Varduhi Hovhannisyan — EU-Armenia cooperation prospects. challenges and opportunities
Gurgen Simonyan — The problem of protecting the democratic value system in the conditions of external aggression
Svetlana Arzumanyan — The relevance of the problem of aesthetic taste
Lilit Sarvazyan — The ideas of national self-determination and sovereignty in the political-philosophical concepts of Maghakia Ormanyan and Levon Shant
Rima Mirumyan — The idea of church union in the historical-philosophical creed of Nerses Shnorhali
Armen Osipyan — Consideration of aesthetic categories in the period of late classicism and enlightenment of Armenian aesthetic thought
Arshak Balayan — How can democracies make knowledge-based decisions?
Anahit Jijian — The reproductive culture of Armenian youth. sociological analysis
The high school students of “Mkhitar Sebasatsi” educational complex were also present at the conference. The materials of the conference are available at the following link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/e40pgdnjedwei050pke38/Phil.-XIII.pdf?rlkey=9oswdfz607y2hl2pazvpj8k8s&dl=0